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We did this: Sant’Antonio from Padua Church, Scorzé & Bembo Palace and Mora Palace, Venice




Colore & Hobby

ARD products are recognised and appreciated by all operators in the sector thanks to their tech- nical contents and the rigour at the base of their development and realisation. They are the expression of a company that pays attention to the evolution of the market and its needs, and can boast the highest level of sensiti- vity when dealing with the reco- very and decoration of buildings and artefacts embedded with historical and artistic significance and ones that are important for the Italian heritage. The two work- sites presented in these pages are among the best examples of this corporate vocation: comple- tely different from one another, yet united by the fact they were chosen by the ARD management for their merit and for highlighting the quality of ARD work cycles.

ARD is behind the most prestigious restoration works and projects

Today, the little church of Peseggia has been splendidly renovated on the exterior and restora- tion works are in progress for its interior. Of course ARD was glad to lend its contribution in such a special recovery process. The company provided siloxane emulsion paints from the Siliard line, one of the most prestigious ones produced by the Padua-based paint factory. The sensitivity of ARD with regards to art, design and cultu- ral and social projects is a well know trait and remains a true merit of a company capable of looking beyond business. In this project, the ARD products can be found on the walls of two prestigious palazzi, Palazzo Bembo and Palazzo Mora.


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We did this

Sant’Antonio from Padua Church, Scorzé & Bembo Palace and Mora Palace, Venice

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